Thursday, May 31, 2007
My results are like shit.
I think it managed to slap my face awake.
I'm sinking in a pool of tragic disappointment.
But I'm definitely not depressed okay.
Its not something likely to happen. :p
Just a little remorseful? haha.
Who am i kidding, I feel so thrashed. :(
whats the cause of this feeling?
feel the beat. [11:27 AM]
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My new phone's gonna get delivered on Friday.
Sony Ericsson W880I. ^^
(my pink motorola and useless samsung peanut can go die)I know the keypads are small, i have eyeballs to see alrightttt.
So you can spare me the information. heh.
I'm only purchasing the phone for like 100+ bucks.
Report books tomorrow.
Replies to tags:
Samantha: Everyone is pretty dumb at times. :x
Powderfool cookie: KING? You rule that tiny lil place. HAHAHAH.
Alvin: Haha.
Shakeela Parvin: Oi, you go away, you're not any better k. >:P
Alvin: Yay, spread the joy around. :D
Nissa: You also go away with Shakeela. Shoo~
Monday, May 28, 2007
I'm so dumb. Woke up at 6am and showered thinking there was school to attend. It only came to me that its a holiday when i was applying shampoo on my head. So i continued showering all the way and went back to sleep. Grrrr. To put it in really nice words, i was just being overly concerned about my hygiene seeeeeeeeeeeee. :p
Going to Siewli's concert on Wednesday.
Some Banana Cookie lost his chinese dictionary today.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I am so sick of buffets. -.-
Just had another one yesterday. Spare me.
Ran the cross country at bedok resevoir park on friday and got 15th position. I told you i can't run already. haha. My legs were not sore yet until we had marching the next day from band. Zomg, double killer. Under the hot sorching afternoon sun. Say hello to tanned skin. :D So after the cross country, Chel, qiurong and jolene came to my house with the initial plan of watching horror movies and then going to ECP to cycle and blade. But then all the fat arses were too lazy. We missed out the water sprout. Aww!! :(
Tonight, gonna have dinner with my Mom and Bro only. Hopefully, its Thai. I AM SO SICK OF SEAFOOD. There aren't my bestfriends anymore. *kicks them back into the sea* Grah.
Hehehehehhehee. I'm gonna get paid. I was babysitter for the day. Though it was just a few hours, it required lotsa hard work this time k. Like making lunch for them, make milo for them, bring them to the park wash the dishes and pack up the place. Not forgetting, entertaining them. This is when one has to dig down into them to bring back the childish-ness. I think im a qualified Nanny. Anyone willing to hire me? ^^
It takes two hands to clap and the kids were really obedient. Without their cooperation, my mission as a nanny would have been a failure. They deserve Marshmallow Blasts. :D
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Morten's bike got stolen last night! How cool is that! Not the harley lar, its his bicycle. HAHAHAH. Then the police came to investigate. WAAAAA, HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED ALL THE ACTION. Don't think there was anyway. Im a nosey parker. Whenever there's a scene, i'll be there poking my nose into it. :p
Anyway my friends are such peanuts. They went to volunteer me for the cross country. Without seeking my permission! Ahhhhh, i don't intend to run yknow! :( I tell you, i'll be the last one running in panting like a mad dog.
I swear this is like the million gazillion-th time the school has brought us to the science centre. They're so sick in the head. Yes, Singapore may be small but not that puny till there's only one place to visit in the whole country right! The school has no clue how to organize field trips for us. Pea brainers.
Grah, i'm going to tuition later.
How sad. -.-
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I didn't sleep a wink last night. Jolene and i were up and busy with some stuff. :D And i realise that i can be really irritating if i stay up too late. My sense of humour is very high and the slightest most tiny weeny thing is capable of making me burst in guffaws of laughter. I remember even laughing at a feather.(?!?!) Like i have no idea why. Im also very mad at that time. Estee is dangerous after 4am. HAHAHAHAHA.
Caught Spiderman 3 last saturday. And im really interested how Peter Parker and Mary Jane can continue making out after a meteorite crashed into Earth? Okay, so the rock may be a little smaller than usual. But the impact and all?! Its all so HURHHHH(?!). And then the evil blob comes out. Double HURHHHH(?!). I won't say the starting was dumb. Its just special and peculiar. Ha! :p
So have you peanuts planned a list of things to do during the holidays? Mine has already been planned. Unfortunately most of it is not what i desire or had in mind. And not so much under the category of fun. But im still looking forward to them. Yeeh! (:
And we're getting back our results tomorrow.
Holey Moley. :/
Friday, May 18, 2007
Its time to release all the tension and free your mind from everything.
Its definately time for more sun, food and fun!
Alright, so maybe the holidays isn't an excuse to shove your responsibilities aside. What am i thinking about? I still have tuition lessons to attend. Which i am very willing to do. I need improvement. Perseverance yeilds success. HAHAHAHAHAH. Rah.
So i celebrated the last paper by devouring my best friend, the bloody cow. Steak! Dined in at Swensen's for lunch with Jolene, Shakeela and Yilian. :D When we were each done with our dish the waiter served us ice cream with a little brownie, i think. Anyway, HARHAR! And we were served by an ex-ping yian. DOUBLE HARHAR.
Ohhhhh, today was such a wonderful day. And i've yet to watch spiderman 3. Such a loser right. So im gonna make a date with spidey tomorrow. And prepare lotsa greens to go shopping! Ok, we don't use greens in Singapore. -.-
Miss Parvin was aching all over just after a short while of WINDOW shopping. Its okay, i understand. These are just the symptoms of her aging. HEH. So we settled down at coffee bean and i drank my all time favourite Mocha with whipped cream. :D Saw my Aunt there and bloody hell, she shouted my name so loudly.
Im so dead right now. Tossed and turned around in bed last night for like 5 solid hours.
Damn, we sure dissapointed Miss Ang today. She hollered at us during morning assembly with almost the whole school watching. Its what we derserve i guess. We've planned to make an apology card and buy a gift for her. She really doesn't deserve all these shit she's getting from us. A class of 40 people. Each person pay $1. More than enough. But the ultimate most important thing she wishes to see is for us to improve. Prove her wrong? As a class? Its gonna be hard. :/
Btw, i got 9/20 for my physics section A.
I am sooo gonna get below 30 for the whole paper. -.-
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Don't ask me how the exams were. It was a total disaster. Like i said, its gonna be one miserable MYE. Every subject was just as horrible. Especially science. Well, thats not something new right?
My eyebags are so distinct and pimples are popping out. But its a sign of stress. No, not the eyebags, the pimples. :D HAHAHAHAHAH! Okok, nonsense. Wth, geog sucks i tell you. Don't ever take geog when you're sec 3 if you're considering to. You'll need like tons of memory cards for it. And you're gonna get so mentally and physically tormented by Mrs Yam. She's the no.1 murderer.
I've thought about something and....
I'll spend my time tomorrow WISELY.
Like say.. spend the whole day tuitioning A Math? :D
So first, i need to find a way to like squeeze my eyebags back in. -.-
Friday, May 11, 2007
There's nothing to blog about.
So.... i'll just post some random pictures. :D
Jolene Khoo (:
Next up is a chance that you have all been waiting for and never had.
A PICTURE OF CHELSEA ! ! ! ! ! !(everyone faster right click and save!!!)
She would only agree to this evil act of mine on one condition.
And its to post my own dumb picture.
See, i'm willing to sacrifice for you desperate people out there. kidding
Its nothing compared to Kai Kai's one, right! ^^
But of course you have to see who's the photographer of Jolene's and Chelsea's pictures. Im a very fair person. Shall give you guys a clue. She's the owner of this blog. So if ye want ugly photos, you know who to call!
Dare to show the ugly side of you! :P
Omagod. Posting pictures up is such a chore.
Well, i find it so.
Alur, post again tomorrow.
Goodnight! (:
feel the beat. [12:15 AM]
Thursday, May 10, 2007
This is the last straw. Rah.
One more time i fail physics which i assure you a million golden peanuts, i will. I swear i wanna drop to sub science. I know nuts about it for pete's/harry's/dick's sake. But there's hope! Overheard that some 301 people wanna take Bio and their teacher told them its possible. I see light at the end of the tunnel. (: But there will always be tough obstacles to get by. And in order to take bio, we're gonna have to go through Mr Chua Tok Hai. He's one hell of a challenge. Sigh.
Poor Miss Ang. She's really too nice that she just allows all her students to step all over her. She has no idea how to control a class. We take advantage of her, bring her down to our level of childish-ness instead of giving her the respect she deserves. Ah, bless her.
I love Mrs Gary Chan. She's the best and the cutest. HAHAH. She rewarded students who scored A's for SS and i recieved a lil plushie bear head. LOL. I've named it Cody. Or does Murphey sound better? Naw, i like Cody. :D
This is gonna be the most miserable MYE ever. :(
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Lets see what i've been up to these days shall we! :D
5th May:
My Dad brought me to Orchard Hotel for a one night stay. But that does not mean i could chuck my books away. So i brought my books there to study for an hour or so. I know its dumb but i didn't have much of a choice. Then we walked around Orchard for awhile. Didn't buy anything though. Head back to our hotel and went for the buffet downstairs. MUAHAHAHA. For me, it was just seafood, seafood and more seafood. Im best friends with the sea creatures. Had some finger lickin' good Alaskan king crabs, Salmon(MY MUST HAVE) and some other sashimi, fresh oysters, live prawns, pasta(not good), barbequed prawns and chicken. THE PRAWNS ARE SO HUGE AND I LOVE THE DISGUSTING JUICES IN ITS HEAD. And yeah, i only paid attention to the seafood. :p Not forgetting the chocolate fondue. And this time, they had strawberries, marshmallows and prunes(?). The ice cream, fruit puddings and pastries were not spared. Stuffed myself till 10.40-ish. Gawddddddddd. I wouldn't even let the innocent breadsticks go.
Btw, i think i was abit off that day. I tried foods that used to make me irk at their sight. Such as fresh oysters, pig heart and pig liver. But they're all very delicious. Serious. HAHA. Except pig liver. Although they say that its good for blood circulation and it'll make your cheeks really pinkish. I personally think it tastes like blood.
6th May:Its a secret. :p
7th May:Went studying with Jolene and Chelsea. Hilarious shit happened but i shan't elaborate cause i guarantee you a million golden peanuts that you won't find it funny. Just basic old crapping. :D
8th May:I finally got a certain mark that is somewhere THERE. Like THERE you know. Its so THERE and i have to stay THERE.
And Peng Lin has a pimple. AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA!!
*ONE, TWO............................ THREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!*
No lar just kidding. Its not nice to laugh. And i'm a nice girl. (:
I ALMOST GOT MY FRINGE BRUTALLY GRABBED AND CHOPPED OFF TODAY. Almost. Lucky for me, Mrs Seah was the one cutting. Then i started spouting all sorts of crap to her in hope of a chance to get away in spite of how dumb my excuses were. She asked for my class and then said she'll just cut a bit of whats not pinned up. But *cough cough* i had 97% pinned up already. Muahahahahaha. So many people frowned with disappointed when they still saw my bushy irritating fringe during recess. Walao you all evil lar, want to see me with that cuckoo fringe. Go away.
Btw, the teachers really just grab one whole bunch of your hair and snip. No mercy i tell you. The experience watching that heart pounding scene is horrible. It feels as if your heart's gonna jump out. Great experience. NO LAR, CRAZY CHEESECAKES. I'll never wanna go through it again! Stupid Mdm Anisa with her 1 cm thick makeup who caught me. But i also like her in a way. Ahahahahahaha. K, i admit i was dumb/stupid for not pinning it up in the first place.
Nissa and i managed to escape the cutting but poor fanny and huan xian didn't. hoho.
I should be studying now. But the computer is so attractive.. like a prize waiting for me to grab it. So is the bed, television and food.
Have some self-control, Estee!!!Goodbye my friends. (:
Thursday, May 03, 2007
3. Write about an incident when someone forced you to do something you didn't want to.
So what topic did you choose? :D
Okay, so i actually don't bother about which topic you chose.
I think my compo's rather messed up. So was my compre.
I will regret big time if i don't do anything to help myself now.
Rah, chinese paper tmr.
feel the beat. [10:49 PM]
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Agonizing day for me. It took the power of 2 panadols to ease just that bit of pain away from my cramps. Why must girls be burdened with such sufferings. Curses!! Thankfully its not gonna last for a week. Muaha.
Studies studies studies.
I don't think my science will be able to pull through. Honestly.
Or maybe i should change my mind set? :/
Had an A Math test today and i can finally confidently say i'll pass it. Yeah, not only my science is terrible but my A Math too. How am i gonna sit for the exams with doubts and uncertainty still filling my mind. By right, im not suppose to be only starting to learn the topics. Instead, i should be revising. I think im a tad too paranoid. Agree?
First things first, sufficient amount of sleep is the key important thing.
Eeeesh im crazy.
feel the beat. [10:59 PM]
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Why am i such a dumb nooby twerpy fool.
I spend my afternoon doing compos/letters and had tuition when i had a chance to go Vivo with the family and SHOP. Heard that Forever 21's having a sale. Why am i so hardworking? Even Nissa and Yilian only did 2 compos. Why must i be such a goody two shoe and do 5 out of 6?! Yilian went to Orchard. Omagod. I WANT TO MURDER HER. Im so depressed. I wanna jump off a cliff. But how can you be thinking of shopping now, Estee?! Snap yourself back to reality! Exam starts on thursday!! >:(
Alright alright, i'll get over it.
Mrs Yam threw us 3 compos and 3 letters to do before the exams. She's bonkers. And i did it all in one day. Muahaha! K lar, don't think i wrote them well anyway.
Btw evil backsides! I have finally rebooted my computer. Its so clean. Pure. Fresh. New. Yay! But i have no songs............. -__- But i'm so blessed to have friends who take the initiative to send me theirs. Aww.. i love you all. HAHA. :D
K whatever..
Im gonna wake up at 6 tomorrow to revise Chemistry.
PERSEVERE!! I can do it, i can do it! >:D